For more informmation, please click here   

Exibir a lista completa click aqui.

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

For more informmation, please click here   


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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.

For more informmation, please click here   

Exibir a lista completa click aqui.

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

For more informmation, please click here   


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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.

For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.

Qualidade garantida
Oferecemos aos nossos clientes profissionais e particulares a maior oferta de computadores de segunda mão, com 2 anos de Garantia click aqui.

For more informmation, please click here   

Exibir a lista completa click aqui.

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

For more informmation, please click here   

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

  • Business solutions

    The change dynamics in industry and in services, business and technology create opportunities for new software solutions. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and represents unnecessary expenses and is one of the priority missions of TECHNOPOLYS.

    TECHNOPOLYS is embedded a logic of international partnerships, involving relevant partners in Africa, Europe, America and Asia with historical workings with software technology organisations to successfully introduce new software solutions for the public and private sector. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies and organisations to do more...

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For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.


For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.

For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.


For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.

For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.


For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.

For more informmation, please click here   

The International Conference is organized in six panels. Each moderator has the first 15 minutes to introduce the theme and after the intervention of guest speakers on different panels, there is a period of debate in which the participants in general have the opportunity to actively participate in each panel.

At the end of each day, two Experts invited specifically for this purpose, one in the Business Incubation area and the other in the START-UPs area, will present the State of the Art of these sectors for each of the continents and the ECOWAS region as well.

The morning of the event last day, November 20, is reserved to present successful "Case Studies" regarding Business Incubators and START-UPs in each continent.

The registration, as well as complete information, are available on the following websites: www.emergys.eu and e-mail: events@emergys.eu in the Book Now option. Additional information can be obtained through contacts available in these websites.

It does not dispense consultation of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the event.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Those interested in presenting papers should send their texts by the following date:
31 October 2016.

The communication must not exceed the maximum duration assigned to each intervention:
5 minutes.

Papers can only be presented by persons duly registered for this purpose and within the stipulated time.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Upon registration shall be indicated the need for special logistic conditions, if applicable.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Participation.TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All innovative START-UP holders or innovative START-UP idea holders who want to present his project in the event should contact EMERGYS, events@emergys.eu, and submit a summary of the project until the following date:
31 October 2016

The pre-registration period ends on 30 September 2016. The value of pre-registration is: Eur 50 for ECOWAS member citizens and Eur 125 for the remaining participants. The value of pre-registration paid can be fully refunded in case of cancellation and this return will be made by 15 October 2016.

The period of registration and payment of the total cost of participation runs until 31 October 2016. The amount paid for the pre-registration will be deducted from the total cost of participation.

If there is still the possibility of admission of new registrations, they can be made up to 18.00 GMT, 11 November 2016, and registrations made in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 will suffer an additional cost of 25% compared to the base cost.

The registration fees paid by 31st October 2016 may be returned suffering a penalty for administrative costs of 35% of the amount paid. Any refund will be made until December 15, 2016.

The amounts paid in the period from 31 October to 11 November 2016 are not entitled to any refund for withdrawal.

In case of inability to participate, any participant duly registered at the event is entitled to transfer its rights and duties to a substitute appointed by him to this effect. Therefore he must inform the organization in good time providing full identification of the respective substitute.

The organization accepts no liability to the participants at the event for any services contracted by participants to third parties.

Any matter that binds the organization should be communicated in writing and the privileged means of communication is: events@emergys.eu.